Thursday, April 12, 2012

What does it take???

I've been asking myself that question for over a month now.
What will it take, personally, for me, to
get out of this slump...
get the ball rolling again...
get my momentum going again?

I was beginning to get to a place where I was becoming extremely frustrated with myself.  I had learned a lot, and come so far.  I had made significant and dramatic changes in my life.
I was happier and healthier and at the same time feeling 'stuck' and unmotivated and I wanted to wake up one morning and magically find all of that excitement and determination that I remembered having 6 months ago.

The truth...I did wake up.  On a beautiful Sunday morning after a much needed vacation, I decided that I wasn't going to sit and wait for a 'feeling' to come back. I decided that feeling or not feeling, I needed to do whatever it took to get my momentum going again.

Getting something going is never easy.  Getting something going for a 2nd time can be even more difficult b/c you know what you are up against...but what i have learned over the last year and a half is that I am capable of much more than I give myself credit for.  We all are.  Setting a goal and making the decision to accomplish that goal is an extremely powerful force. answer my question...what does it take for me to get my momentum back?

  • returning to 6am group exercise classes
  • getting in more cardio
  • committing to run
  • a new accountability buddy
  • a last minute coffee date with a friend
  • 10  3rd-5th grade girls who are all training to run a 5K
  • the belief that I can do ALL things I set my mind to

This week has been a reality check for me and I know that i need to push myself and I am now beginning to feel the momentum slowly starting to pick the fun part will be to see where it takes me this time!

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