Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Over the last year I have heard many different people say that it is easier to keep the momentum that you have going than it is to start again, if you let that momentum stop.

It made since to me, and I never really questioned it, but now I am having the opportunity to live it out.  I ended up getting quite sick this winter for several weeks and I was not able to exercise.  This set me back and I found myself at a complete standstill for the first time since I had started my health and fitness journey.  

If I'm being completely honest, this is something that I wasn't really prepared for. I had been doing pretty well, and I had been happy with the results that I had been seeing and then all of a sudden, everything started to change and all my momentum that I have accumulated came screeching to a halt. 

With all of this said...momentum is not something that cannot be gotten back, and I plan on doing what ever it takes to get it rolling again.  I have NOT worked this hard or come this far to stop now.  I may not be quite where I want to be yet, but I'm definitely NOT where I used to be.  

I leave for a much needed week long vacation in a few days and with me I am taking a 3 books.  One on setting personal goals for yourself, one on nutrition, and one on setting financial goals.  I am looking forward to spending some quality time on the beach setting up some long and short term goals for myself and an action plan on how to accomplish them.  I will find ways to set myself up to succeed...to begin to get my momentum rolling again, and  to get back to where I want to be.

When unexpected things happen in our lives (and they will) we can either let them knock us down and choose to stay down, or we can get back up, dust ourselves off and learn how to become stronger and more confident in the process.  I am choosing to live my life with purpose and intention and embracing ways to grow and improve with each challenge I encounter. 

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