Sunday, May 6, 2012


This is one of the 'walk away' messages that I left church with this morning.


This can apply to SOOO many different things in SOOO many different situations.
As I have been thinking about this over the last several hours, I've come to relieve that a boat is nothing more that a glorified box (yes, maybe it is a box that can take you somewhere, but a box non-the-less).  

So many of us choose to live much of our lives in a box of some sort...
  • a job that pays the bills, but that we are not passionate about
  • the role we have become so good at playing, but that we feel wrongly defines us
  • a negative body image/self esteem because we are not quite sure how to take the steps needed to change it
  • the comfort of the known. instead of the fear of what could be (even if that might include something AMAZING)
Being in a boat 'sounds' better than saying that you are choosing to confine yourself to a box...but it's the same thing.  

During this crazy journey that I am on, I have found that the only times that I have grown, are the times that I have consciously chosen to step outside of my box and go for it.  Is that something that is easy for me?  NO! But am I glad I do it...EVERY TIME!  

The first 5K that I ran, I was scared...but so happy i did it.
The first boot camp I participated in, I was extremely self-conscious...but met so many new people.
The first time I met 1-on-1 with a trainer, I was incredibly anxious...but I wouldn't trade the day for anything.

Where ever you are in life, you didn't get there by always doing what is comfortable.  There are times that require putting the fear of the unknown (or failure) aside and taking a large and deliberate step out of the boat/box.

As the day has gone on I have done a lot of thinking about what 'boxes/boats' I have gotten out of and left  behind and what ones I have chosen to not only remain in but decorate and fully furnish.

What is that for you?  What is one area in your life that if you could just take a chance and leap that you might really surprise yourself?  What is holding you back from doing that?  Think about it, process it, and then remind yourself that you deserve so much more than to live your life in any boxes/boats....and then take a deep breath and JUMP!

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